
Fear: 20 tokens (10-10)

The affix vIp, signifying fear, occurred 20 times in the analyzed text, 10 times in each act.

Honorific: 27 (11-16)

The affix neS, signifying an acknowledgment of status, occurred 27 times in the analyzed text, 11 times in Act I and 16 in Act II.

Speakers and Addressees


00 25 Hamlet-Hamlet Hamlet-Horatio Hamlet-multi Marcellus-Hamlet First Player-Hamlet First Player-Polonius Claudius-multi Polonius-Ophelia Polonius-Claudius Polonius-Gertrude Ghost-Hamlet Horatio-Hamlet Ophelia-Polonius Rosencrantz-Hamlet


00 25 Laertes-Claudius Laertes-Polonius Gertrude-Hamlet Horatio-Hamlet Ophelia-Polonius Hamlet-Hamlet Rosencrantz-multi Guildenstern-multi Polonius-Claudius Polonius-Gertrude Polonius-multi Polonius-Hamlet Voltimand-Claudius Claudius-Polonius multi-Hamlet

What It All Means

The first thing that was analyzed during the course of this project was how often any given affix appeared alongside any given pairing of speaker and addressee occurred in the first two acts of the Klingon Hamlet. The results are presented as percentages of the total number of appearances of that affix in the text. In neither case does a single pairing comprise more more than twenty percent of the total, and they appear to be essentially random. However, the addressees appear with much more regularity than the speakers.



00 25 Hamlet Horatio multi Polonius Ophelia Claudius Gertrude


00 25 Claudius Polonius Hamlet multi Gertrude

What it All Means

Here, it is possible to observe a much clearer trend in who is referred to in what way. Since who says something appears random, it makes sense that the person who is the target of the speech is a more significant predictor, and that's exactly what we see in these two graphs. Again, the individual data points are presented as percentages, and it is clear that individual data points are considerably more consistent and, with few exceptions, comprise a much larger proportion of the overall total than in the previous section.